This is the 11th Day, almost halfway through the monthsAlphabet Photography Challenge. Everyone is challenged to take a picture of the letter of the day, in some form. Here i bring them together, sharing everyone’s hard work.
Past Galleries
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
My Picture of the Day : K is for Knitwear

Hannah's Picture of the Day : K is for Kiss

Delphine's Picture of the Day : K is for Knowledge

Naomi's Picture of the Day : Keeping up with work

Saskia's Picture of the Day : K is for Karate Cat

Deb's Picture of the Day : K is for Knitted by my Grandma

Rose's Picture of the Day : K is for Knot

Scott's Picture of the Day : K is for Kievs
Recipe here

Noel's Picture of the Day : K is for Knife

Jozz's Picture of the Day : K is for Knowledge Speaks, But Wisdom Listens

Jenna's Picture of the Day : K is for Keyboard

Paul M's Picture of the Day : K is for [The] Kooks

Steph's Picture of the Day : K is for Keys

Jenny H's Picture of the Day : K is for Kwik-Flit

Frankie's Picture of the Day is : K is for Kit Kat

Andres' Picture of the Day : K is for Kaleidescope

Loca For Crafts' Picture of the Day : K is for Knitting Needles

Rob's Picture of the Day : K is for Kia Kitty, Kirk, Katsina and Kyanite

Lisa's Picture of the Day : K is for Kernels.

Charlotte's Picture of the Day : K is for Keys, Key Fobs and Key Rings.

Sarah's Picture of the Day : K is for Killer Jellyfish
Past Galleries
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
My Picture of the Day : K is for Knitwear

Hannah's Picture of the Day : K is for Kiss

Delphine's Picture of the Day : K is for Knowledge

Naomi's Picture of the Day : Keeping up with work

Saskia's Picture of the Day : K is for Karate Cat

Deb's Picture of the Day : K is for Knitted by my Grandma

Rose's Picture of the Day : K is for Knot

Scott's Picture of the Day : K is for Kievs
Recipe here

Noel's Picture of the Day : K is for Knife

Jozz's Picture of the Day : K is for Knowledge Speaks, But Wisdom Listens
Jenna's Picture of the Day : K is for Keyboard

Paul M's Picture of the Day : K is for [The] Kooks

Steph's Picture of the Day : K is for Keys

Jenny H's Picture of the Day : K is for Kwik-Flit

Frankie's Picture of the Day is : K is for Kit Kat

Andres' Picture of the Day : K is for Kaleidescope

Loca For Crafts' Picture of the Day : K is for Knitting Needles
Rob's Picture of the Day : K is for Kia Kitty, Kirk, Katsina and Kyanite
Lisa's Picture of the Day : K is for Kernels.
Charlotte's Picture of the Day : K is for Keys, Key Fobs and Key Rings.

Sarah's Picture of the Day : K is for Killer Jellyfish

karate cat is too funny!
I was playing/fighting with the cat and my boyfriend took this picture, when I saw it, I couldn't stop laughing:p
My cat is more of a judo expert.
I am slow with my K. I wish I hadn't ended up with a un thought out pointless theme.
Really enjoying the project though. One of the best pointless timewasting things Ive ever done!
Saskia, love your pussy cat!
Jenny I agree, it is lots of fun. Not sure what I'll do with my time though once its over ;-(
I think the cat is PURRRRRRfectly funny! Delphine
I'm loving the Keyboard.
"Ebony and Ivory lay together in purrrfect harmony. Side by side on my Blog page"
On closer examination my cat is actually usless at all martial arts, and seems to rely of scratching and biting.
Debs - Charlie is just going to have to come up with something else
Here is ours
We love the knot picture, but everyone's pictures are looking great.
Here are my I, J and K
Here is K for Knitting at:
What a great day of photos!!!
I do love the karate kitty.
a bit of a LOL Cat in waiting i think.
I shall dutyfully update, and get ready for the second half of the project.
Thanks ever so much everyone for making this work.